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Birth Debrief & Birth Trauma Recovery

I have seen a real increase in the number of women suffering trauma post birth in the past two years due to covid and the restrictions that came with that. Many women gave birth without the support of their partner and once home they were unable to have the support of family and friends. For this reason, I completed my training in Birth Trauma Recovery (TBR) using the 3 Step Rewind approach to add to my offering of Birth Debriefs.

I bring to these sessions my 25 years’ experience of supporting women during pregnancy and new motherhood. I often incorporate body and breath awareness work into my sessions.

It is common to feel highly emotional in the days and weeks that follow birth but when these emotions continue to replay and possibly resurface as flashbacks leaving you feeling anxious or hyper vigilant this isn’t normal. Until these traumatic events are fully acknowledged the memories can linger and cause a real sense of distress and overwhelm in your day -to-day life.

If you have experienced trauma within the perinatal period or have unresolved emotions linked to your fertility journey TBR 3 Step Rewind could help you.

What is Birth Trauma Recovery (TBR) 3 Step Rewind?

Devised by Alexandra Heath Traumatic Birth Recovery 3 Step Rewind is a gentle, safe, and effective treatment. It incorporates Rewind, a simple Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique. Working together over 3 sessions, this process activates your own natural ability to heal by using deep relaxation, guided use of your memory and the imagination.

By becoming free of the Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, it is possible to feel more positive about your situation and to begin enjoying parenthood. This technique releases the feelings associated with the birth so that it is possible to look back and remember the birth with neutral feelings, the birth can still be remembered but it no longer provokes anxiety.

Parenthood can still be challenging, and sometimes those challenges may be the result of the birth itself, but everything is much easier to deal with when there is a sense of peace and calm where there was once turmoil. This can be a truly transformational process as Rewind will lift the feelings about your birth and give you an opportunity to think differently about your future. You will realise you can choose different ways to respond to situations and you will release limiting beliefs. You will create a picture of how you would like to feel, what you will be doing, how you will be responding, what will have changed, and how your relationships would be different if they no longer had the feelings associated with any trauma you may have experienced in your baby’s birth, or during a perinatal experience.

**Please note, the 3 Step Rewind is not suitable for if you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition and you are receiving treatment for it, or if you are seeking a diagnosis. I am not able to provide medical help; I am not a clinician.

Your Options

  • Option 1: Birth debrief: One 90-minute session (step 1 of the full Rewind process can be incredibly healing in itself). Investment: £95
  • Option 2: Birth Trauma Recovery 3 Step Rewind: Consists of 3 sessions held over 3-4 weeks. Investment: £295 These sessions can take place via Zoom or in person at Moon, or a combination of both.

If you would like to access the Women Supporting Women Fund to subsidise this session, find more details here.

Lynn would like to have a discovery call with you to have a chat about your needs, so please complete the form below to get in touch with her.

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Over the next 6 weeks we have 3 mini retreats at Moon, tailored for you, as you journey through life...

🤰 If you're pregnant, join Tracy Awere @sankofa_hypnobirthing , a Holistic Birth Preparation Specialist and take time to nurture yourself as you prepare for the wonderous journey of motherhood.

✨ If you identify as a witch, healer, priestess, oracle, seer or mystic, find a home with @gabriella.moon_ as she guides an intimate group of women to remember their roots at The Coven day retreat.

❄️ If you need a mind/body reset join Corin Ridout @salutaryice3 and Jo Rich @theyogacoffeeclub for a seriously chilled session of kundalini yoga, breathwork and Wim Hof Method cold exposure therapy.

You can find more details of all these events in our bio.

Over the next 6 weeks we have 3 mini retreats at Moon, tailored for you, as you journey through life... 🤰 If you're pregnant, join Tracy Awere @sankofa_hypnobirthing , a Holistic Birth Preparation Specialist and take time to nurture yourself as you prepare for the wonderous journey of motherhood. ✨ If you identify as a witch, healer, priestess, oracle, seer or mystic, find a home with @gabriella.moon_ as she guides an intimate group of women to remember their roots at The Coven day retreat. ❄️ If you need a mind/body reset join Corin Ridout @salutaryice3 and Jo Rich @theyogacoffeeclub for a seriously chilled session of kundalini yoga, breathwork and Wim Hof Method cold exposure therapy. You can find more details of all these events in our bio. #miniretreat #pregnancyretreat #thecoven #wimhof #nw51 day ago
Thank you to these wonderful folks who donated to the Women Supporting Women Fund in April - your generosity has meant, that last month, 8 women were able to access the treatments and classes they needed at Moon.

However, unfortunately we still have a waiting list, so if you're making a booking at Moon, tick that box and contribute to this fund - it will be so gratefully received.

You can find out more about the fund and how to contribute or access it via the link in our bio.

Thank you to these wonderful folks who donated to the Women Supporting Women Fund in April - your generosity has meant, that last month, 8 women were able to access the treatments and classes they needed at Moon. However, unfortunately we still have a waiting list, so if you're making a booking at Moon, tick that box and contribute to this fund - it will be so gratefully received. You can find out more about the fund and how to contribute or access it via the link in our bio. #womensupportingwomen #communitybusiness3 days ago
The May Queen

A joyous image from @tijanadraws to celebrate Beltane (May Day).

Much love to everyone in the Moon community on this day 💚
The May Queen A joyous image from @tijanadraws to celebrate Beltane (May Day). Much love to everyone in the Moon community on this day 💚5 days ago
A somatic theme to this trio of events over the next three days...

On Saturday, @gabriella.moon_ has only two places remaining for Spirit Dance. Taking its roots in shamanic practise, Brazilian samba, yoga, tai chi, somatic body work, energy healing, improvisation and intuitive movement; Spirit Dance is about connecting us to our body’s innate wisdom, sometimes for the first time.

On Monday, Emily Hughes @findingflowparenting explores Mum Rage in a beautifully supportive women's circle. As a somatic therapist Emily delves into how and why our body (followed by the mind) can be triggered by our children.

Later on, again on Monday Jasmin McGonigle @camdenbabywearing ensures that wearing your baby/small person is a comfortable and intuitive as possible at the Camden Baby-wearing Sling Library

You can find out more and book via our bio.

A somatic theme to this trio of events over the next three days... On Saturday, @gabriella.moon_ has only two places remaining for Spirit Dance. Taking its roots in shamanic practise, Brazilian samba, yoga, tai chi, somatic body work, energy healing, improvisation and intuitive movement; Spirit Dance is about connecting us to our body’s innate wisdom, sometimes for the first time. On Monday, Emily Hughes @findingflowparenting explores Mum Rage in a beautifully supportive women's circle. As a somatic therapist Emily delves into how and why our body (followed by the mind) can be triggered by our children. Later on, again on Monday Jasmin McGonigle @camdenbabywearing ensures that wearing your baby/small person is a comfortable and intuitive as possible at the Camden Baby-wearing Sling Library You can find out more and book via our bio. #spiritdance #movementmeditation #movementherapy #mumrage #somatictherapy #womenscircle #mothercircle #babywearing #babyslings #nw5 #tufnellpark1 week ago