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Daniella Dessa

Daniella Dessa

Classes offered:

I started doing yoga regularly in 2001 after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

Not only did regular Ashtanga practice help to stimulate my thyroid function, the subtle impact helped with over all circulation, flexibility and wellbeing.

Starting with an Ashtanga practice for 10 years my desire to expand my knowledge and learn more about the healing properties of regular practice took her to teaching, with Scaravelli inspired teachers Catherine Annis and Kate Ellis at Triyoga.

Hot Yoga was the next path graduating with Kristin Campbell in Hot Tapasya Yoga in 2019. Humour, alignment and an intense sense of exploration are key aspects in my style of teaching.

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Sandra Chua's Spinning Babies® session tomorrow is waiting list only.

However, if you'd like details of her next session or you'd like to organise a session with Sandra then contact her directly at @births.babies.n7

Sandra is a certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator.

In these sessions you learn how you can have more comfort during pregnancy and ease in birth when you prepare your body and bond with baby in a way that is without force.

Experience the joy of childbirth and eliminate fear! Sandra's Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class will guide you through preparing your body for birth, what you can do in labour and during birth, and so much more!

This is an unforgettable class, filled with knowledge, support, and empowerment.

Find out more directly from Sandra @births.babies.n7

Sandra Chua's Spinning Babies® session tomorrow is waiting list only. However, if you'd like details of her next session or you'd like to organise a session with Sandra then contact her directly at @births.babies.n7 Sandra is a certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator. In these sessions you learn how you can have more comfort during pregnancy and ease in birth when you prepare your body and bond with baby in a way that is without force. Experience the joy of childbirth and eliminate fear! Sandra's Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class will guide you through preparing your body for birth, what you can do in labour and during birth, and so much more! This is an unforgettable class, filled with knowledge, support, and empowerment. Find out more directly from Sandra @births.babies.n7 #spinningbabies #antenatal #antenatalsupport #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear1 day ago
It was lovely to meet Sarah Sutcliffe today, one half (alongside Fiona Bibby) of @time_out_for_transitions 

Time Out For Transitions makes the space to pause and step back from the pressure of daily life or work.

As part of their offering, they are holding a Surrey Weekend Retreat on 20th-22nd September 2024.

This Retreat will give you time to process, prepare for, or integrate the changes and challenges of menopause.  

This will be explored through:

⭕️ A powerful combination of simple physical practices and meditation (drawing on yoga and qi gong)

⭕️ The story Seal Skin Soul Skin from Clarissa Pinkola Estes book
It was lovely to meet Sarah Sutcliffe today, one half (alongside Fiona Bibby) of @time_out_for_transitions Time Out For Transitions makes the space to pause and step back from the pressure of daily life or work. As part of their offering, they are holding a Surrey Weekend Retreat on 20th-22nd September 2024. This Retreat will give you time to process, prepare for, or integrate the changes and challenges of menopause.   This will be explored through: ⭕️ A powerful combination of simple physical practices and meditation (drawing on yoga and qi gong) ⭕️ The story Seal Skin Soul Skin from Clarissa Pinkola Estes book "Women Who Run with The Wolves" (as a map to the unconscious) ⭕️ Time in nature ⭕️ Group processes such as shadow and archetype work and creativity techniques. You will use these different ways of knowing, to explore your inner world and what messages from the unconscious may be waiting to bring you insights.   To find out more visit they Instagram page and explore. #menopause #menopauseretreat4 days ago
I’m very pleased to re-introduce Kate Leftley. 

Kate is a Craniosacral Therapist who works with pregnant women, ‘mum & baby’, as well as offering craniosacral therapy and restorative massage to adults.

She has a clinic at Moon on Wednesday between 9am to 1pm – find out more and book via our bio.

Kate will also be part of Moon's low-cost holistic baby clinic, starting in October and is part of the @wombandbloomlondon collective – a wealth of expertise, check them out.

Over to Kate 👇

I have a deep passion for working with, and supporting, mother and baby. 

I am a mother of three daughters myself, and have worked in nursing, health visiting and as an infant feeding lead, for over 30 years.

It was in my early days as an A&E nurse, that I was struck by the importance and healing power of touch.

Since then, I have been a constant witness to the healing power of touch, so training in Craniosacral Therapy was a natural progression for me.

Craniosacral therapy is gentle, non-invasive therapy that is ideal for mothers, babies and young children – which supports you and your baby’s natural healing abilities. 

My practice offers a calm, supportive and safe space to help mother and baby navigate their unique and growing relationship.

I also work with clients of all ages, using a variety of techniques to maximise vitality and to create a space in which the body can best thrive.

A bit more about me…

⭕ I love being the other side of 50 and love what I do!
⭕ I am a mother to 3 amazing daughters 21,19 and 16 who have challenged me and helped me grow.
⭕ I have an MA in Infant Mental Health
⭕ I love anything to do with water - you will catch me swimming or diving in whenever or wherever I can
⭕ I love being active but equally love being at home and lounging around 
⭕ I love a bit of kitchen dancing 
⭕ I’m about to start training for my third London Marathon – I was lucky/ or unlucky enough to get another ballot place (I think at this point I’d rather win Glastonbury tickets! 😬)
⭕ My favourite place to be is at home or at the sea 

I’m very pleased to re-introduce Kate Leftley. Kate is a Craniosacral Therapist who works with pregnant women, ‘mum & baby’, as well as offering craniosacral therapy and restorative massage to adults. She has a clinic at Moon on Wednesday between 9am to 1pm – find out more and book via our bio. Kate will also be part of Moon's low-cost holistic baby clinic, starting in October and is part of the @wombandbloomlondon collective – a wealth of expertise, check them out. Over to Kate 👇 I have a deep passion for working with, and supporting, mother and baby. I am a mother of three daughters myself, and have worked in nursing, health visiting and as an infant feeding lead, for over 30 years. It was in my early days as an A&E nurse, that I was struck by the importance and healing power of touch. Since then, I have been a constant witness to the healing power of touch, so training in Craniosacral Therapy was a natural progression for me. Craniosacral therapy is gentle, non-invasive therapy that is ideal for mothers, babies and young children – which supports you and your baby’s natural healing abilities. My practice offers a calm, supportive and safe space to help mother and baby navigate their unique and growing relationship. I also work with clients of all ages, using a variety of techniques to maximise vitality and to create a space in which the body can best thrive. A bit more about me… ⭕ I love being the other side of 50 and love what I do! ⭕ I am a mother to 3 amazing daughters 21,19 and 16 who have challenged me and helped me grow. ⭕ I have an MA in Infant Mental Health ⭕ I love anything to do with water - you will catch me swimming or diving in whenever or wherever I can ⭕ I love being active but equally love being at home and lounging around ⭕ I love a bit of kitchen dancing ⭕ I’m about to start training for my third London Marathon – I was lucky/ or unlucky enough to get another ballot place (I think at this point I’d rather win Glastonbury tickets! 😬) ⭕ My favourite place to be is at home or at the sea #craniosacraltherapy5 days ago
On Tuesday, we were very lucky to be joined by Alba from @albalone photography.

It's such a shame I can only share a small selection of the beautiful moments she caught at our New Mama & Parent One-Stop Drop-in.

Check out her Instagram and website to see more of her family-centred work - her composition and colour palette are exquisite. 

Thank you Alba ❤️
On Tuesday, we were very lucky to be joined by Alba from @albalone photography. It's such a shame I can only share a small selection of the beautiful moments she caught at our New Mama & Parent One-Stop Drop-in. Check out her Instagram and website to see more of her family-centred work - her composition and colour palette are exquisite. Thank you Alba ❤️1 week ago