Psychodrama: One-to-one Sessions
What can you expect from a one-to-one psychodrama session?
Psychodrama is a holistic and integrative method of psychotherapy, meaning that it facilitates body-mind connection for clients to offer insight, invite curiosity and move forward with a new response, or set of responses, to old patterns in relation to yourself, others and the world.
I believe in the flexibility of the method to assess your needs in an initial consultation which may feel like enough in itself or which may be the opening for a time-limited, multi-session piece of work (3-4 meetings) or a longer, open-ended process where we meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly with some some intentions but no set end-date until further along in the journey.
No matter what option you decide feels right for you an initial consultation will include:
- Some discussion of the presenting issue, your history with it and your wishes for bringing it into the space (eg. processing, integration, reconciliation, symptom management)
- Small psychodramatic intervention, which is usually an invitation for you to create a visual of the presenting issue in relation to yourself either using art materials or small objects or through some encounter work using empty chairs or blocks
- A verbal debrief and processing of the visual, understanding the context of how you relate to the presenting issue and identifying together way to develop or draw on support for new responses to it
- If required, a discussion as to the length, shape and purpose of ongoing psychodrama sessions to support ongoing exploration and/or management of the presenting issue
I look forward to meeting you.
Alexa Edelist's offering at a time convenient to you, please use the form below to contact Alexa for a discussion and to book.
If you would like to access the Women Supporting Women Fund to subsidise this session, find more details here.
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